Special Issue "Sustainable Smart Cities" was published by Energies journal

8 Апреля 2022
Special Issue

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has conducted International scientific conference SPBPU IDE-2021. After this conference several papers were published in special issue «Sustainable Smart Cities» of «Energies» journal. This special issue was organized by Svetlana Gutman (PhD in economics, associate professor at SPbPU) and Rytova Elena (PhD in economics, associate professor at SPbPU).

Special issue included five papers:

1. The Resilient Smart City Model–Proposal for Polish Cities


2. The Technical State of Engineering Systems as an Important Factor of Heat Supply Organizations Management in Modern Conditions


3. Space Redevelopment of Old Landfill Located in the Zone between Urban and Protected Areas: Case Study


4. Development, Innovation, and Circular Stimulation for a Knowledge-Based City: Key Thoughts


5. Virtual Reality as a Tool for Public Consultations in Spatial Planning and Management


Editors express their gratitude to the authors, conference organizers and MDPI editorial office for their contribution to the special issue.