24 - 25 october, 2019. International Scientific Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy: SPBPU IDE-2019

В большом конференц-зале Научно-исследовательского корпуса с 24 по 25 октября будет проходить

International Scientific Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy: SPBPU IDE-2019

Приглашаем всех желающих принять участие!

Main conference sessions:

Economic efficiency and social consequences of digital innovations implementation;

Regional innovation systems and clusters as drivers of the economic growth during the Fourth Industrial Revolution;

Industrial, service and agricultural digitalization;

Response of an educational system and labor market to the digital-driven changes in the economic system;

Digital transformation trends in the government sector;

Digital transformation in the financial sector.

Conference chair:

Schepinin Vladimir Engelevich
Candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, director of Institute of industrial management, economics and trade at Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia.

Detailed program can be accessed through conference website