Доцент Abhinava Tripathi провел курс Investment Portfolio Management для магистров ВИЭШ

23 Января 2023
Доцент Abhinava Tripathi провел курс Investment Portfolio Management для магистров ВИЭШ

Магистры первого курса Высшей инженерно-экономической школы в осеннем семестре 2022/2023 учебного года успешно прошли курс Investment portfolio management от приглашенного преподавателя Abhinava Tripathi из Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

Абхинава Трипати, доцент кафедры промышленной и управленческой инженерии Индийского технологического института Канпур, имеет более чем 6-летний корпоративный опыт работы в сфере банковского дела и финансовых услуг. В сферу научных интересов преподавателя входят управленческие и аналитические роли в инвестиционном и корпоративном банкинге и кредитном рейтинге.

В рамках курса «Управление инвестиционным портфелем» магистры изучили такие темы как «Фундаментальная оценка и технические торговые стратегии», «Экономическая теория выбора в условиях неопределенности (модели инвестиций и потребления)», «Управление фондами и оценка эффективности» и многое другое. А также студенты защитили проект по техническому анализу цен акций конкретной компании. В ходе практических занятий студенты проводили исследование с использованием языка программирования R для статистической обработки данных.

На занятиях доценту Абхинава Трипати ассистировали молодые исследователи, научные сотрудники DoMS, IIT Roorkee Ms. Lagan Jindalи Ms. Manisha Yadav.

Абхинава Трипати об опыте преподавания в Санкт-Петербургском политехническом университете Петра Великого:

International experiences are always enriching. One gets out of the comfort zone as new challenges such as barriers related to language, accent, culture come into play. This makes for an extremely satisfying and value adding experience. I would also like to thank you for the regular support during the sessions. It was extremely nice and great learning experience for me to talk to SPbPU students. The conduct of classes was smooth and nice. The support system, platform, class scheduling, everything was proper. Students were extremely cooperative and the flow of class, assignments, presentations, and coding sessions was extremely smooth. Therefore, I would not like to recommend any changes as such. Many thanks again for the opportunity. Looking forward to more such collaborations with SPbPU.


Магистры группы 3743801/12701 поделились своими впечатлениями о курсе доцента Абхинава Трипати:

Туткушев Мурат:

Abhinava Tripathi talks very interestingly, it is clear that he is well versed in this area, it is always a pleasure to listen to such people. A person who can tell interesting and detailed things that may not be interesting, although the topic itself is very useful. 

Нгуен Зиеу Ань:

The course gave me useful knowledge about using technical analysis method for portfolio management. However, for me, it was too difficult to keep up with all teacher's words, but he and his research team always efforted to help me understand most of them. I appreciated it.

Чжао Синьюй:

The investment portfolio course helped us understand a lot of stock basics and stock trends. At the same time, explore the relationship between risk and return together. It will be very helpful to our future career!

Копейкин Максим:

The course with Professor Tripathi was interesting and informative. During these half a year, I gained knowledge and skills in assessing the investment attractiveness of an asset from a trading position. The only difficulty was adapting to the teaching style of the professor.

Быков Максим:

On the course of Professor Tripathi, we managed to delve into issues related to investment portfolio management. In my opinion, the course was very diverse and informative. So we were able to study the main aspects of optimizing the investment portfolio, as well as the various most used indicators used in the analysis. The course will be useful for those who are fond of investing, as much attention was paid to such a topic as, for example, pattern analysis. The course was well balanced with both theoretical material and the solution of various problems, at the same time I managed to get acquainted with such a program as Rstudio.

Попова София:

As part of this course, we had the opportunity to perform technical analysis on the example of the value of shares of a particular company, to study the main indicators. we also studied in more detail the theory of the formation and evaluation of the investment portfolio, risk analysis. This course is very modern, useful and relevant.

Высшая инженерно-экономическая школа благодарит доцента Abhinava Tripathi за обучение студентов на высоком уровне!