Proceedings of SPBPU IDE-2019 have been published in ACM digital library

15 Февраля 2020
Proceedings of SPBPU IDE-2019 have been published in ACM digital library

On October 24-25 the Graduate School of Industrial Economics hosted the International Scientific Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy: SPBPU IDE-2019. Now we are happy to announce that conference proceedings have been published in Association for Computing Machinery digital library.

We are happy to announce that Proceedings of SPBPU IDE-2019 have been published in ACM digital library. You can access these proceedings using this link.

In total we have received 78 papers. 61 paper was accepted for proceedings. All submitted papers have passed four stage review process. At first stage all papers were evaluated and reviewed by the Conference or Program committee co-chairs. At the second stage papers were evaluated and reviewed by at least one reviewer or conference program committee member. At the third stage we have conducted technical review and checked paper for plagiarism, level of the English language and overall structure. As the result, we have received pool of high quality papers, which present best practices and scientific results in the following conference topics:

  • digital transformation in the financial sector; 
  • regional innovative systems and clusters as drivers of economic growth in the framework of the 4th industrial revolution;
  • response of education and labor market to changes in the economic system;
  • trends of digital transformation in the public sector;
  • digitalization in industry, services, and agriculture;
  • economic efficiency and social consequences of digital innovation adoption.

We are grateful to all people who have supported SPBPU IDE-2019 and have contributed their time and expertise in order to make it happen.