Report on International Scientific Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy: SPBPU IDE-2019

31 Октября 2019
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The processes of innovation diffusion during the fourth industrial revolution reshape economic systems and cause structural changes in different economic sectors and spheres. These innovations have become the basis of the new digital infrastructure of society. The conference SPBPU IDE-2019 has brought together experts from academia and industry to uncover the challenges and solutions to ensuring digital transformation of economic systems. The objective of the conference is to discuss recent contributions to the understanding of the innovations in digital economy and their consequences for modern societies. This conference disseminates the most recent advances in this field and promotes collaborations to maximize opportunities for innovative solutions. We hope the conference will continue annually in order to continue sharing recent developments in the sphere of digital economy.

On October 24-25 the Graduate School of Industrial Economics hosted the International Scientific Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy: SPBPU IDE-2019.

The Conference aims to discuss innovative trends in the digital economy and their effects on the contemporary society. It contributes to sharing information about the latest achievements in this sphere, leading to further fruitful cooperation to enhance opportunities in innovative solution development. 

Opening the plenary meeting, director of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade Shchepinin Vladimir Engelevich claimed that the intensive dissemination of digital technologies, which determines the pathways of socio-economic development, results into dramatic changes in the human life. The faster digital technologies are adopted, the more complicated managerial problems are to be solved to create the digital economy. 

Director of the Graduate School of Industrial Economics Rodionov Dmitry Grigorievich highlighted that the main purpose of the Conference was to estimate today’s trends and controversies in developing the digital society, to forecast changes in a strategic run with allowance for minimizing possible risks. 

Furthermore, the plenary meeting’s agenda included presentations of key Conference speakers. Among them are Cristina Sousa , PhD in Economics, Director of REMIT and Assistant Professor at Universidade Portucalense, whose report focused on essential problems and effects of digital transformation. Mohammed Berawi, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, director of the Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Development (CSID) Universitas Indonesia, talked on development of the concept of mega-infrastructure projects, on increasing feasibility of a project, and a value addition process. Irina A. Rudskaya, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Engineering and Economics at the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, SPbPU, presented results of the empirical research on interrelation between regional university complexes and innovative development of Russian regions.

The Conference sessions provided discussions of the following issues of innovation development in the digital economy presented in the tracks:

  • digital transformation in the financial sector; 
  • regional innovative systems and clusters as drivers of economic growth in the framework of the 4th industrial revolution;
  • response of education and labor market to changes in the economic system;
  • trends of digital transformation in the public sector;
  • digitalization in industry, services, and agriculture;
  • economic efficiency and social consequences of digital innovation adoption.

The Conference tracks caused a great interest and debates to participants. Discussion of the reports helped consider problems of innovation in the digital economy in a different way, and to set new vectors of research development. 

Accepted papers will be published in International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library and submitted to be reviewed by Scopus and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science). The ISBN of the proceedings is 978-1-4503-7244-2. We expect that papers will be published in the ACM digital library repository by the end of October.

It is planned to publish the best selected papers in separate volume proceedings with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series (final approval pending).